Champaign County Sheriff's Office

The Champaign County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Division consists of 54 persons (which includes the Sheriff and Chief Deputy who both have responsibilities other than Law Enforcement such as the 2 jails and Courthouse). They patrol and answer calls throughout the County which is about 1,050 square miles (the 4th largest County in the State). We are the primary police agency for approximately 50,000 people.

The Corrections Division consists of 2 facilities - the Satellite Jail on Lierman Ave in Urbana and the Downtown Jail across from the Champaign County Courthouse on Main St. in Urbana The jail processes between 500-600 intakes per month. Daily, 20-25 inmates are transported to court hearings that range from the first arraignment appearance to sentencing. On average staff transport inmates to 4 medical appointments per week and 5-25 inmates are transported to the Illinois Department of Corrections. The division also monitors an average of 31 Electronic Home Detention (EHD) inmates daily. Those on EHD live in the community but wear an ankle bracelet which utilizes GPS technology and is monitored by correctional staff.